Potionmaster Putricide
Potionmaster Putricide

Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Slimy Concoction
Hazy Concoction
Gleaming Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Dreadful Concoction
Mixed Concoction
Bubbling Concoction
Name Potionmaster Putricide
Card Set March of the Lich King
Id 86120
Mana Cost 2
Attack 1
Health 4
Classes Rogue
Minion Type Undead
Spell School
Flavor Text " Good News Everyone I'm A Rogue Card Now "
Text After A Minion Dies, Add A Concoction To Your Hand
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False