Name | Underking |
Card Set | March of the Lich King |
Id | 85052 |
Mana Cost | 7 |
Attack | 6 |
Health | 6 |
Durability | |
Classes | Druid |
Durability | |
Minion Type | Undead |
Spell School | |
Flavor Text | " Behold, The Underking I'm Always Beneath You, But Nothing Is Beneath Me I Hereby Declare War On Peace And Happiness Soon, All Will Tremble Before Me " |
Text | <b> Rush</b> <b> Battlecry And Deathrattle:</b> Gain 6 Armor |
Keywords | Rush, Battlecry, Deathrattle |
Collectible | True |
Duels Constructed | False |
Duels Relevant | False |