Galakrond, the Unbreakable
Galakrond, the Unbreakable

Galakrond's Might Galakrond, Azeroth's End Galakrond, the Apocalypse Dragon Claw
Name Galakrond, The Unbreakable
Card Set Descent of Dragons
Id 57413
Mana Cost 7
Health 30
Classes Warrior
Minion Type
Spell School
Flavor Text The Ground Quaked Beneath The Behemoth As Dr Boom Continued: "…with Over 400 Tons Of Solid Storm Silver Plate " Then He Beeped A Small Remote " And Luxury Spikes "
Text <b> Battlecry:</b> Draw 1 Minion Give It +4/+4 <i>( )</i>
Keywords Battlecry
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False