Gloomstone Guardian
Gloomstone Guardian

Gloomstone Guardian Splintered Form Mana Disintegration
Name Gloomstone Guardian
Card Set Showdown in the Badlands
Id 102427
Mana Cost 4
Attack 6
Health 8
Classes Druid, Warlock
Minion Type Elemental
Spell School
Flavor Text From The Same People Who Brought You <b> Choose One</b>, And <b> Choose Twice</b>, Comes The Exciting Prequel: <b> Choose Neither</b>
Text <b> Taunt</b> <b> Choose One </b> Discard 2 Cards; Or Destroy One Of Your Mana Crystals <b> Forge:</b> Do Neither
Keywords Forge, Taunt
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False